Teach Bridge by using the Bridge+More Solution!
Could teaching bridge be done in a simpler and smarter way?
Then you are not alone! We have listened to bridge teachers all over the world who wanted to make their bridge teaching even smarter, easier, and educational! That is why we have developed a great simplifying way to structure and achieve your teaching goals – in a much more flexible way.
As a bridge teacher, you are typically using numerous hours of preparing your teaching lessons. As bridge can be a quite challenging game to learn, you want to use your time on making your teaching lessons as understandable and educational as possible for the sake of your students.
We understand you want to use your time wisely!
Instead of using hours dealing the boards to be played and bring countless piles of playing cards and teaching materials for each lesson – you can use your time and energy on the progress of your students! The Bridge+More Solution will ensure you have the flexibility to structure your teaching methods – exactly the way you and your students prefer!
You only need to create your own personalized Teaching Set and bring your Bridge+More Solution to your bridge lessons. In the Teaching Set, you can customize your boards to the level of your bridge students.
Teaching Advantages
Bridge Teacher
Bridge Student
Expand your teaching opportunities!
- Create flexible Teaching Sets
- Make customized boards in advance
- Compare your students’ results with previously played boards
- Get live-stream results!
- Save time pre-dealing playing cards
- Keep individual score of your students’ bridge skills
- Virtual Teaching
A fun way to learn bridge!
- Entertaining and more fun
- Full focus on learning bridge
- Get better by studying your game details
- Great support on your journey to advance.
- Specific guidance and comments if needed
- Compare your results to your teacher and classmates