A Complete Solution:
A Bridge+More dealer
Two decks of cards
A Bridge+More app
A Complete Solution:
A Bridge+More dealer
Two decks of cards
A Bridge+More app
Easily better bridge
Simply more fun
Complete & Universal
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Easily better bridge
Simply more fun
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Easily better bridge
Simply more fun
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Better bridge:
More Fun
Better bridge:
More Fun
The Bridge+More Solution is very simple to use for everybody – regardless of age, bridge level, or bridge experiences. The Bridge+More Solution can also be used all around the world and have already users in more than 50 countries.
How does the Bridge+More Solution work? – Read more here. The Bridge+More solution consists of four elements – the Bridge+More dealer with only two decks of Bridge+More cards, a tablet running the Bridge+More app, and the Bridge+More server app.
The simple handling and ease of play are important features Bridge+More Solution – as our real-time results features, our unique game options, and especially how we made barometer games a zero effort standard – as well as the many other features the Bridge+More Solution offers.
The Bridge+More Solution has received amazing feedback – all emphasizing the simple fact that the Bridge+More Solution makes Bridge more fun!
You can see some examples of our feedback below – click on the + icon on each feedback picture for large pictures (you can share or save). All feedback and quotes we show below have been approved as a reference by the person mentioned (translated to English). You can see more feedback examples sorted by usage type here.
Click the picture below to see a video about how easy it is to use the Bridge+More solution

In the picture at left you can see the details of our Select+ Dealer – simply mouse over the numbers shown in the picture for further details.
Please remember, if you maintain the played order of the cards when inserting the cards back into the dealer records the play sequence – for you to study and compare how the hands were played.
Another great feature and especially important during the COVID-19 pandemic – we only use two deck of cards per table – no trays, no piles of cards to prepare – and no cards are moved between the tables! Read more about our COVID-19 recommendations here.
With the Bridge+More Solution, you use a standard Android tablet to register all bridge games details and present game information
By using a standard tablet we have the optimal combination of cost and screen size on long-lasting battery-driven devices – and remember everybody knows how or can easily learn how to use a tablet – one element in our highly acclaimed ease of use.
By using a tablet we can also offer you amazing flexibility. The tablet can show you the precise combination of details that you wish to see and you can with a click select among a number of options to set-up the tables as wanted. Does it sound too complex? Then don’t worry, we have 3 levels:
- Fast & Easy – 2 clicks with your mouse to create a tournament
- Basic – don’t spend time on a number of options you might not know – use our default options
- Advanced – for those who want to turn all the knobs and whistles to define that specific tournament
On the right, you can see tablet screen samples – Click for more details
The Bridge+More solution uses a standard browser for the setup and management of the game – and we also use a browser to present or stream game results and game details (in real-time) – That’s simple to use.
By using a standard browser we make it easy for you – and we have made the user interface as simple as possible with a few colors to emphasize actions or alerts – and you can enlarge screen sizes dynamically to your personal preference.
See below screen samples from both the simple tournament setup feature (notice how simple) – and see it’s to manage a tournament – and we also make it easy to know the status of a tournament.
Below we also show samples from our many result presentation options – notice the unique card by card sequence picture.
Despite being both advanced and revolutionary, the Bridge+More Dealer is surprisingly easy to use due because of the intuitive interface of both our website and the tablet app.
Our goal is to keep you enjoying the magic of bridge, and we do this by enhancing the traditions and excitement of bridge and reinforcing the social elements of playing!nique and patent protected Bridge solution has been designed from the ground up to take advantage of modern technologies and use the latest developments in tablets and smartphones while maintaining the traditional – and fun – way of playing bridge with Cards in your hands.
The Bridge+Dealer sits at the middle of the bridge table and invisibly and quietly deals the next hands while you play. When you are ready for the next deal – the cards emerge like magic, and four new hands are ready for play. Just insert the cards you have just played without messing up the order and the dealer records the exact way the hands were played.